Statutory Tax Filings and planning

Tax services offered include but are not limited to:

Monthly Tax Return

The service basically includes the compliance with all aspects of tax filings and returns of the company and partners, such as preparation of Form N°29 of the Internal Revenue Service (SII) concerning the declaration and payment of monthly tax.

In rendering this service, we have considered the implementation of the following activities:

a) Selective and conceptual review of the VAT tax (Credit /Debit)

b) Review of the auxiliary books needed for the determination of the declaration Form N°29, such as Purchase Ledger, Sales Ledger, Book Fees, Payroll Book, etc.

c) Calculate monthly provisional payments (PPM)


Annual Tax Return

The process of declaration and payment of annual income tax include the following activities:

a) Preparation of Form N°22 relating to the declaration and payment of annual income taxes.

b) Calculation of the tax base.

c) General Balance

d) Preparation of the Book FUT Taxable Income Fund.

e) Preparation of tender form in the municipality of the Tax Equity Capital.

f) Sworn declarations required by the Internal Revenue Service (SII).